
Apologies for it sounding like a big fat one.....

So I'm not going to make this a big excuse as to why I'm not happy with my performance in Noumea. 5th place is where my body is at right now so disappointment cannot factor into how I am reacting to the outcome of my first race since February (which was a pretty disappointing day at Huski long course where I walked away seething with anger but now isn't the time or place to vent!). Lining up for a MRI only days before heading to Noumea wasn't a good boost to the confidence leading into this race. I was happy to get through this race, cross the finish line in one piece and still be able to walk afterwoods.

The truth of the matter is I haven't run without pain for 2years- this started off with a inferior pubic rami stress fracture (pelvis). To be able to run at all I have become quite dependent on a sacroiliac joint belt to hold my pelvic joints stable & rather too many anti- inflammatories. Certain bike position adjustments over the past 15 months have also been culprit to aggravating this and leading to an irritating sciatic nerve issue. Not to mention numerous hours/ week spent flexed over on a TT bike. I am at the end of my tether with my body as the training I have been doing hasn't been reflected in my race performances. This is a huge roadblock in my path- I can't seem to get past it and therefore I can't seem to move forward- if anything, it continues to push me backwards.

As a Physio I'm quite aware of what's going on. I'm not going to go into extensive details as to the physical impairments I am facing. I am a hypocrite as I don't listen to my Physio when he suggests that I have a break from aggravating activities (ie. riding & running) to allow my body to heal. Having done extensive periods in the gym focusing on core stability and glut activation with minimal change to discomfort I have really questioned a lot of what I know proffessionally as a Physiotherapist or am throwing myself into one of those who fails conservative management of SIJ stabilisation.

So unfortunately this sounds exactly what I was hoping it not to sound like- a big fat excuse. I actually don't have any excuses. I am the one choosing to line up on the start line when I know deep down I'm not physically 100% & therefore am learning to lower my expectations of how I am going to perform. I am only a fraction of the athlete that I have been in years before.

The other side of this is a huge apology to my sponsors. My racing has been light on as I am not quite sure as to how my body would hold up racing as much as I have in the past or in the longer distances where my passion for racing triathlon lies.
It's an apology to my ever supportive coach, Matt, who has taken me on in a bit of a state to begin with. Constant modification and support from him has helped me be able to continue to be able to train and race- mainly with the restrictions he has placed upon me as I am a stickler for overtraining and pushing through 'damaging' pain.

So where to from here? I already had numerous specialist appointments booked prior to the weekend but wait lists meant that I had to wait until this week to start the process. And the MRI results-well I didn't want to know until after my race (& still don't!).

As for the race- I had a strong swim in a choppy, shortened condition, average bike where I lost time I shouldn't have and a run that was to the best of my body's current ability. The thing that hurt the most about this race was the blisters!!!! It's been 12months since i ran without socks and boy am I paying for it now!

Thankyou to Cannondale, Mizuno, Ryder's eyewear, Orca, Enervit, OSHE, Allezsport & Cyclezone Mooloolaba.

Rachie xo

1 comment:

  1. Well, i would like to say that you tried your best nd you gave your best that is the most important thing. Keep it up.
    --Carlos kauffmann
